
Theelectronworkfunctionisameasureoftheminimumenergyrequiredtoextractanelectronfromthesurfaceofasolid.Itisdefinedmorepreciselyasthe ...,ElementWorkFunction(eV).Aluminum.4.08.Beryllium.5.0.Cadmium.4.07.Calcium.2.9.Carbon.4.81.Cesium.2.1.Cobalt.5.0.Copper.4.7.Gold.5.1.Iron.,2015年10月30日—Acriticalreviewoftheexperimentalliteratureformeasurementsoftheworkfunctionsofcleanmetalsurfacesofsingle-cryst...

electron work function of the elements

The electron work function is a measure of the minimum energy required to extract an electron from the surface of a solid. It is defined more precisely as the ...

Element Work Function(eV)

Element Work Function(eV). Aluminum. 4.08. Beryllium. 5.0. Cadmium. 4.07. Calcium. 2.9. Carbon. 4.81. Cesium. 2.1. Cobalt. 5.0. Copper. 4.7. Gold. 5.1. Iron.

Recommended values of clean metal surface work functions

2015年10月30日 — A critical review of the experimental literature for measurements of the work functions of clean metal surfaces of single-crystals is ...

Work function of metals

由 J Hölzl 著作 · 2006 · 被引用 623 次 — The work function (WF) of a metal can be defined as the minimum energy required to extract one electron from a metal. Obviously the WF is one of the ...

Work Functions for Photoelectric Effect

Element, Work Function(eV). Aluminum. 4.08. Beryllium. 5.0. Cadmium. 4.07. Calcium. 2.9. Carbon. 4.81. Cesium. 2.1. Cobalt. 5.0. Copper. 4.7. Gold ...

Tutorial on Work Function By Dr. Rudy Schlaf

由 R Schlaf 著作 · 被引用 12 次 — Work function in metals: Figure 1 shows a schematic energy diagram of a metal. The valence bands are filled with electrons up to the Fermi energy (EF).

Work function

In solid-state physics, the work function (sometimes spelled workfunction) is the minimum thermodynamic work (i.e., energy) needed to remove an electron ...


功函數(又稱功函、逸出功,英語:Work function)是指要使一粒電子立即從固體內部移到固體外部,所必須提供的最小能量(通常以電子伏特為單位)。